In connection with Jeju National University, which co-produced the     standard manual, four pilot farms are selected, and training is being conducted once a month and the manual is being refined. If there are any difficulties for farmers. First, there is an aging farmhouse problem. An aging farmhouse cannot do this even   if they want to. Another policy suitable for this is being devised with Jeju National University. The professor will make the standard manual, but students came in and worked on it because they cannot do it alone. They are planning to connect them with their graduation and e  mployment positions. An aging farmhouse is in a situation where they cannot participate because they cannot do it in   person despite the good training courses in childhood. Graduates who have learned such a process and manual  at school specialize in the process. For example, after graduation, a student who has gone through the   training process signs a contract with 15 farms and regularly visits them to train them according
