That's how his relationship with Chairman

  Ki-cheon began . For him, the current perception of the problem soon led to a solution and alternative search, and now it is a reality that the entire horse industry is publicizing and unraveling  the thread. And four years later, he has been electe d as the new chairman of the Horse Industry Cooperative, or Gyeonggi Horse Industry Development  Council, which he advocated in the midst of that dream-like reality. On March 31, I met and interviewed Chairman Kim Ki-cheon at the Hallsmate Equestrian Club. I was in Japan for a Korean-Japanese Association horse riding competition. I was contacted the day before the general m eeting and returned home late in the evening.  I usually insisted on the necessity of the council, but I attended without thinking because it was not like I had to do it, but I was elected. This position is  different from the position of chairman of the sports community.
